DONT BE JUDGMENTAL BUT BE A RESTORER.. JOHN 8:7 and jesus said unto them let him who is without sin cast the first stone on her. TWO THINGS JESUS IS SAYING TO US HERE. (NO1) That Only those who are faultless have the right to pass judgment upon others (implying that no one is faultless and that, therefore, no one has such a right to pass judgment. For judgment BELONGS to God and not man, don’t try to take the place of God in another man life. (NO2) JESUS SAID in Luke 9:56King James Version:For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them..JESUS HAS NOT COME TO CONDEMN BUT TO RESTORE THE LOST. NOW THE QUESTION IS THIS: You that say you love God, what is your purpose here on earth? And what is your mission towards others around you? Are you more of a judgmental person than a restoration person..Do you judge and condemn easily or you forgive, teach and restore..Remember a judgmental heart, a CONDEMNATION heart cannot saves life. It is the heart of Love that can Save…. BE A LIFE SAVER TODAY. FOR THIS PURPOSE WE ARE CREATED AND EASTERBLISH ON THIS EARTH IN CHRIST JESUS…


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