TEXT Verses about
Unbelief, Nature And Effects.

Hebrews 3:12
Verse Concepts
Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.

Hebrews 11:31
Verse Concepts
By faith Rehab the harlot did not perish along with those who were disobedient, after she had welcomed the spies in peace. THE Bible say even though this woman was an harlot but just because she believed that these men where sent by God and welcomed them, the Bible said because of this single act of believe she demostrated toward God’s messengers, her life was preserved when others around her faced distruction.

Hebrews 3:18-19
And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient? So we see that they were not able to enter thier place of rest because of unbelief.

Remember God speak to us through any medium.
He can speak to us through dreams, through visions, through trance, through our spirit man , through his word as you study the Bible, through prophets, or probably through anyone… So God can use different medium to pass out his message to us.. I have heard cases where God used a mad man to deliver a life changing information to someone, I have also seen cases where God delivery a message to someone of what is to happen to him through a man that is drunk. Well humanly it may seem unreligious and unacceptable to believe that a holy God will work through such medium. But do you know that just the way the heavens are higher than the earth, that is how God ways are higher than our ways, same his taughts are extremly wider, bigger and higher than our he chooses whosover he wishes to work with and work thru. so you must remember that he is a God that works in a mysterious ways beyond human imagination and comprehensions. He sees beyond what we cannot see, and he knows what we do not know.. So the key factor is that at any point in time. Don’t be carried away by appearance. When messages come to you. Your key concern is not the identity of who has delivered the message but the content of the message itself.. Remember when God wanted to speak to prophet Eli… At a point he spoke to him through Samuel who was an helper in his house….remember when God wanted to help naaman out of his situation.. he started the who process by useing a small girl who was a captive, to deliver the information of who they can meet to pray for them.. remember before calamity finally befell Sodom and gomorah, God used his Messenger to pass out the information to warn them on several cases but they refuse to harken to the message…remember before God finally destroyed the earth in time of Noah.. God used Noah to pass out the information of what is to happen to them if they fail to repent but because of familiarity they ignored his message…remember in 2 Kings 7:1-4 how Elisha told the people about the abundance that is to come the next day but a particular man who was an assistant to the king doubted the prophesy. And the Bible said because of his unbelief, he saw the prophecy happened but could not partake in the blessing…
Desame spirit of unbelief is still working in the life of many people today most especially when it concerns God and his word..many people demostrate this act of

unbelief toward God’s word, towards his written and spoken word.. but when it concerns activities of the flesh desame people are easily carried away with the deceptive lies of this worldly affairs. many want to see before they believe..but Jesus taught us in his word : we dont really need to see first to start believing.. the Bible say if only you will believe you will receive.. A TRUE FOLLOWER OF GOD DO NOT NEED TO SEE SIGNs FIRST BEFORE BELIEVING.. A TRUE FOLLOWER OF GOD NEED TO BELIEVE FIRST WITH EXPECTATION TO SEE. Hebrew 11:1-3 says faith is not what you see immediately , faith is what you believe to see ahead of you… Remember the Bible says no man can please God or receive anything from him without faith…
So today is another opportunity to equip your believe system in God..
Stop doubting who God is.
Stop doubting what he can do.
Stop doubting his words and promises for your life.
Stop doubting the words of those he has sent to minister his word to you at any level..
Don’t BE A MODERN DAY DOUBTING THOMOS OF OUR TIME..JOHN 3:16 for God so loved the love that he gave his only begotten son ( Jesus) that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have evalasting life..but they that fail to believe will perish… BELIEVE IN YOUR PROPHET YEE SHALL PROSPER BUT BELIEVE IN THE LORD YE SHALL BE EASTERBLISHED…



THERE ARE MANY god’s but there is only one GOD.

Remember Satan told Jesus on the mountain top….he said look at all these beautiful houses, cars, assets, and all these material things, they all belong to me…. I can give them to you, I have the power to give them all to you but if only you will bow to worship me…. They will be all yours.

but jesus rejected his offer.

Yes even though Satan is the father of lies but when it comes to material riches he also has the power to give to those that fall into his net of loyalty but the Bible say: thier end is full of terror and pains…remember ecclesiastic 7:8 says better the end of a thing than the beginning..

Satan may promise you a sweet beginning but he conceals from you the terror and dangers awaiting you in the nearest future..

But according to the word of God. The Bibles says , there is he that maketh rich and added no sorry… that person is Jehovah himself.. through the person of his dear son Jesus Christ of nazareth..

He maketh rich and added no sorry. Jesus said my peace I give to you not as the word giveth.

Yes …..mostimes the God kind of principles may not give room for a short court or a bye cut achievement.

His process may be slow and not as quick as you may desire it or as people may expect from you as a follower of jesus. but what many has failed to understand is this: sometime slow and steady with an assurance of a better end is far better than a journey of get rich quick and die Young with a desarstrous awaiting end.

Moses said I will rather suffer affliction with the people of God than enjoy sin for a while.

The Bible say… they that go to Egypt for help will move from sorrow to sorrow, and from pain to pain.dont just be moved and carried away by instant pleasures and benefits neglecting future consequences. For every action and decision you engage in today always put into consideration the future consequences that it may bring. David did such a big mistake at a point in his life, he slept with someone wife out of lust and sent the husband into the battle ground to be killed.. he was carried away with the instant pleasure of the flesh which he will derive in it but he deliberately ignored the future consequences that may likely occur as a result of his action…

Sin is so sweet to enjoy but sooner or later it become a gravel or a stone in the throat..

Remember satan dose not lift people up, he throws people up and craftily leaving them to fall painfully to the ground. Satan cannot bless you he can only give you what will seem to be good now but prepares you for a desarstrous injury ahead of you.

God dose not throw people up… he lift people up..a man that is thrown up will fall back to the ground…

But a man that is lifted up will reign and sustain the top with all support to remain there…

Satan may give you quick material riches by throwing you up so fast but he is throwing you up to make you fall painfully.

But somtimes God’ process may not be as fast and quick as we may desire and expect from him by throwing us up.. but his process of lifting you up in a gradual steady journey of achievements in life may look too slow for your liking but mostimes in this slow and steady process lies great assurance for a better end.

he is a God of now now…

He is miracle working God

He changes any situation in a twinkle of an eye.

What takes people 20years to achieve he can empower you to acquire it in just 2 years.

But there is still need for patient when walking with God.

Dont try to move ahead of God.

Let him be your leader and you will never be lost.



DONT BE JUDGMENTAL BUT BE A RESTORER.. JOHN 8:7 and jesus said unto them let him who is without sin cast the first stone on her. TWO THINGS JESUS IS SAYING TO US HERE. (NO1) That Only those who are faultless have the right to pass judgment upon others (implying that no one is faultless and that, therefore, no one has such a right to pass judgment. For judgment BELONGS to God and not man, don’t try to take the place of God in another man life. (NO2) JESUS SAID in Luke 9:56King James Version:For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them..JESUS HAS NOT COME TO CONDEMN BUT TO RESTORE THE LOST. NOW THE QUESTION IS THIS: You that say you love God, what is your purpose here on earth? And what is your mission towards others around you? Are you more of a judgmental person than a restoration person..Do you judge and condemn easily or you forgive, teach and restore..Remember a judgmental heart, a CONDEMNATION heart cannot saves life. It is the heart of Love that can Save…. BE A LIFE SAVER TODAY. FOR THIS PURPOSE WE ARE CREATED AND EASTERBLISH ON THIS EARTH IN CHRIST JESUS…



Now lets look at this question in a more realistic way. Take for an instance in a party, he that serve, and he that is served who can we say is greatest? Now from the perspective of the natural man he that is served is said to be greatest. But when it comes to the kingdom of God, he that serve is greatest. Jesus said I came for the sinners, he became poor that we might be rich..

as far the kingdom of God is concern the laboures in the vineyard are the greatest.. in faithful service we are exalted. God says i will give more grace to the humble. If Jesus could be patient with sinners and embark on restoration towards them. Then who are we to judge and comdem sinners in thier sin.. our major mission and primary duty as believers in Christ Jesus is to strive towards restoring the lost around us and not to judge and comdem them in thier sin… Remember Isaiah 1:18 : for God does not find pleasure in the death of a sinner. What is you primary purpose as a christian. Have a restoration hearth and not a judgemental hearth.

God bless you.